CHina surgery saves

Affordable, highest quality surgery in China for Americans in need.

Life Saving Surgery

China Surgery Saved me


China surgery saved my life, when I couldn't afford good care in America. I hope to help others like me who need life-saving surgery, by being your guide on a China medical journey that costs a fraction of what it would in the U.S.A.

Chinese surgeon for China surgery on american on medical tourism

healthcare in China

Your China Medical Tourism Journey

Let's help you choose from the best Chinese hospitals, get assessed online by an outstanding surgeon, assist you in travel, hospital registration, payment, and aftercare, then celebrate your newfound health.

1. Consultation

We’ll translate your health documents and conduct an online consultation with a specialist surgeon, which you can attend, and report their diagnosis to your satisfaction.

2. Travel

Let us guide you through the process of getting safely to China, and checked-in to the  hospital you choose further to our report and recommendations.


3. Surgery

We’ll assign you an affordable, English-fluent, daily assistant to help you with doctors & admin, and attend to your daily needs.

4. Aftercare

We’ll find you affordable, clean accommodations and personal assistance as you recuperate before returning to America.

A Complete Service for $299

Our Full Scope of Service

1. Consultation

Even if you have insurance, you may be in doubt about your diagnosis, but not be covered for an expert second opinion. Fortunately, China’s national health system created an online network of thousands of Chinese specialist physicians for all conditions.

There are dozens, even hundreds of physicians available online who specialize in your condition. We will identify them for you by their experience and ranking. Then we’ll arrange an online consultation for you, either through telephone or video conference. We’ll get  you a reliable diagnosis or second opinion through the following process:

1.Secure upload and translation of your relevant medical documents. We will only share this information with the physician you choose, and you can delete the documents from your secured space at any time. You are free to:

  • Blur out your name, address, or other non-medical information on your documents
  • Use an assumed name and throwaway account for this service. Caution: you will need your actual ID should you choose to complete your medical journey and check in to a Chinese hospital.

2. Selection of 3-5 physicians for you to choose from. All will specialize in your condition, and we will show you their rankings and reviews before you select.

3.Arrangement and attendance of the consultation. If you wish to be present, we will share the telephonic or video link.

4.Translation of the physician’s diagnosis and recommendations, rendered in an English report and uploaded to your secure space.

5.A report on 3-5 hospitals we recommend for your surgery, including their ranking, relevant departmental and administration info, and price for your surgery.

2. Travel

You’ve decided that the pricing and profile of a hospital in your report meets your needs. Still, traveling with a medical condition demands careful consideration. We’ll send you our step-by-step guide for arranging your visa and getting an affordable flight, as well as arranging for attendance to your delicate condition. 

The guide will also provide clear instructions for the hospital administrative process.

When you’ve decided to make the journey, we will advise on timing for surgery at the hospital you’ve chosen, and English speaking contacts there. 

We will help with the rest of your trip to China and pre-surgery with:

  1. Arrangement for pickup at the airport and delivery to –
  2. An affordable hotel or Air BnB that we have helped you select and reserve.
  3. Arrangement for an affordable, English-fluent daily assistant to attend to your needs before you check-in to the hospital.
  4. Depending on the severity of your condition, we can arrange for you to be taken directly from the airport to the hospital, with affordable, medically qualified attendants if needed.


3. Hospital stay & Surgery


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